The Fullest: The PMS-Saving Art of Mooncycle Massage
Roughly 80% of women experience painful or uncomfortable periods at some stage in their life. Cramps can range from a mere nuisance to a painful distraction that can interrupt work, school, and relationships. Hormonal fluctuations can interfere with our productivity and mental balance, and recurring aches and pains can make it difficult to keep up with our daily routines.
I have regularly experienced all of these symptoms as well as other PMS symptoms like breakouts, anxiety, and fatigue. Like many women, over the years and through quite a bit of trial and error, I have discovered certain therapies that make my monthly cycle feel less like an annoying intruder and more like a welcome house guest. But it was because of an unusual circumstance that I realized just how important these comforts are to staying grounded and in good spirits.