How to Make Your Mental Health a Priority This Holiday Season

As we head into the holiday season it is imperative that we make our mental health a priority. The holidays can be fun but also very stressful. Below are a few ways that can help you make your mental health a priority this holiday season.

Stay Active 

Exercise and staying active is proven to help reduce anxiety and depression. Whether it's yoga, running, pilates, a long walk or even dancing in your living room it's important to carve out at least 20 minutes a day for your own physical and mental health. 
Below are a few great workouts you can do in the comfort of your own living room. 
8 minute Holiday Hustle Workout 
30 minute yoga flow
30 minute pilates 

Limit your time on Social Media 

 We all know by now that social media is a highlight reel. Yet why do we still continue to compare our lives with others on social media? During this holiday season take time off of your phone. Whether that means putting a time limit on your social media apps for the day or giving yourself a phone free hour. Social media isn't going anywhere but it is important to have a positive relationship with it. If you are following someone that makes you constantly compare your life to theirs or doesn't make you feel good simply unfollow or use the "mute" feature.

Getting enough sleep

We all know how much better we feel when we get a good nights sleep. Make sure you are listening to your body this holiday season and getting the recommended 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Sleeping a healthy amount is not lazy it's imperative for your mental and physical health. Read this article for more information on the health benefits of getting a good night's sleep. 

Consider Therapy

Talking to someone can be one of the best ways to making your mental health a priority. Therapy can can help with life long coping skills, improving chronic stress and improving relationships with people in your life.
There are a variety of platforms for online therapy out there that you can do in the comfort of your own home and most insurance companies help to cover. If you are struggling with depression or having suicidal thoughts, please contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255.


From our PRESS family to yours, wishing you a stress free holiday season! 
All photos are from Unsplash. All words and opinions are our own
Posted on Mon, Nov 01, 2021

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