Easy To Do Massage Techniques For Your Arms

Often times when we think about massages - we focus on the shoulders, neck and back. Although those are key target areas - we have to remember not to forget about our arms! Especially for people who have a new born, work a desk job or engages in continuous manual labor, the arms need some TLC.

Arm massages provide relief for tired, sore, overworked muscles in the hands and arms. Tension in these areas is common and can cause great discomfort and stress.

Here are some simple, yet useful techniques you can you use on a loved one at home or in the work place to alleviate arm pain and discomfort!

These amazing suggestions are from Rachel Beider’s recently published book, PRESS HERE: Massage For Beginners.

About the book:

This book is a contemporary take on an old practice that makes massage accessible to a new generation of readers. Fun, modern illustrations and intuitive organization combined with the expertise of licensed massage therapist Rachel Beider allows you to quickly implement this powerful wellness tool.

Beautifully illustrated and designed and with easy-to-follow instructions, Massage for Beginners is the perfect guide for learning the fundamentals of giving a really great massage.
Posted on Fri, Mar 05, 2021