5 Last Minute V-Day Gift Ideas That Are More Empowering Than Roses

In case you didn’t know, Valentine’s Day falls on arguably the coldest month of the year. Not only that, it’s tax season and by now you’ve probably fallen off of 80% of your New Year’s resolutions. Needless to say, it’s very possible and yet, quite normal for you to feel a bit stressed this time of year.

That’s why Valentine’s Day is all about love … loving the mind, body and spirit. Instead of the typical flowers and chocolate (which is still nice), let’s focus on wellness gifts. Contrary to popular belief, nothing says love more then feeling good.

Let’s make this Valentine's Day your most empowering one yet, because you and/or that special someone deserves it. Not to mention, there’s still another two weeks left in February, so here are some meaningful ideas that are sure to help rejuvenate your soul and inspire you to keep going!

Check out our awesome last minute gift ideas to make YOU or that special someone feel happy and healthy:


Of course a massage with us is a no brainer. Getting a gift certificate for a 60 minute or 90 minute massage is the ultimate stress reliever and just what your body needs to get you through the rest of the winter season.


A new plant baby can brighten up any space to help inspire you to be great. Not to mention plants help to purify and clean the air. You can get something as small as a succulent to put on your desk or get a ginormous fig plant to become the center piece of your living room.


This is a small but thoughtful gift. Sometimes we’re so busy running around, working and "adulating", that we forget to be inspired. A journal can encourage you to write down your goals, jot down some of your feelings or simply doodle.


Why not travel. We won’t judge you for taking a weekend trip to the islands just to clear your mind and feel some sunshine.


With Seamless and GrubHub always at our fingertips, we rarely have enough time to make homemade meals. The gift of the culinary arts can be a fun and therapeutic way to learn about some healthy dishes. You can enhance your skills and feel accomplished at the same time.

What ever gift you get this holiday – make sure it has all the intentions of love and light! : )

Posted on Fri, Mar 05, 2021