NYC Marathoners Guide For Fast Recovery (Full Body Massage)

As a NYC marathoner, it's crucial to prioritize your post-race recovery to ensure a quick bounce back and minimize the physical strain endured during the grueling 26.2-mile run. One effective strategy that has gained popularity among runners is incorporating a full body massage into their recovery routine. 

Thanks to this powerful massage therapy, NYC marathoners can experience accelerated healing, reduced muscle soreness, and improved overall recovery. But what exactly is this massage, and how can it benefit NYC marathoners? 

This article will answer these questions and more! We'll cover the following topics to help you better understand this effective recovery technique and how it can specifically benefit NYC marathoners:

  • What is full body massage? 
  • Benefits of full massages for NYC marathoners fast recoveries 
  • Tips for NYC marathoners fast recovery 

Looking for help with your post-race recovery? PRESS is the ultimate solution! We offer a special Signature Massage (a therapeutic blend of soothing relaxing Swedish and orthopedic deep tissue massage therapy) to help alleviate post-race soreness, promote muscle repair, and restore your body's balance. 

Plus, all our sessions are 100% tailored to your individual needs and preferences, ensuring you receive the most effective treatment. 

So don't let fatigue and soreness hold you back from your next marathon - book a session with us today and experience the rejuvenating benefits of our powerful full body massage! 

What Is Full Body Massage? 

A full body massage is a therapeutic bodywork session that combines various massage techniques to target the entire body (head, neck, shoulders, arms, back, hips, and feet). 

It involves the skilled manipulation of soft tissues, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia, to promote relaxation, relieve tension, and improve overall well-being. 

During a full body massage, a trained therapist uses their hands, fingers, elbows, and sometimes even palms to apply pressure and knead the muscles. 

This comprehensive approach ensures that every part of the body receives attention and can benefit from the healing effects of massage therapy.

How Can A Full Body Massage Help NYC Marathoners? 

A full body massage can be highly beneficial for NYC marathoners in their post-race recovery. 

Here are some key ways in which this massage technique can aid marathoners:

  1. Accelerated Healing

The intense physical exertion of running a marathon can lead to micro-tears in the muscles and tissues. A full body massage helps stimulate blood circulation, delivering oxygen and essential nutrients to the damaged areas. This increased blood flow promotes faster healing and tissue repair, allowing marathoners to recover more quickly. 

  1. Reduced Muscle Soreness

Marathoners often experience muscle soreness and stiffness after the race. The massage techniques used during the session help relax the muscles, release tension, and eliminate built-up lactic acid and metabolic waste. 

This leads to decreased inflammation and soreness, allowing runners to regain mobility and range of motion faster. 

  1. Stress Relief And Relaxation

Completing a marathon can be mentally and physically draining. A full body massage provides a calming and soothing experience, helping marathoners relax their body and mind. The release of endorphins during the massage promotes a sense of well-being and helps reduce stress levels. 

Benefits Of Full Massages For NYC Marathoners Fast Recoveries 

The recovery process for NYC marathoners can be significantly enhanced by including full body massages. 

Here are some specific benefits that marathoners can experience through this recovery technique:

  1. Enhanced Flexibility And Range Of Motion

The targeted manipulation of muscles and soft tissues during a full body massage helps release tension and increase flexibility. This can aid in restoring a marathoner's range of motion, allowing them to resume their training or physical activities more quickly. 

  1. Improved Sleep Quality

The physical and mental relaxation induced by a full body massage can lead to improved sleep quality. Quality sleep is crucial for the body's repair and recovery processes, allowing marathoners to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

  1. Injury Detection And Rehabilitation

During a full body massage, a skilled therapist can identify areas of muscle tightness, knots, or potential injuries. This early detection allows marathoners to address these issues promptly, preventing them from developing into more serious injuries. 

Massage therapy can also complement rehabilitation efforts by promoting healing and minimizing scar tissue formation. 

Want to reap the benefits of high-quality full body massage? Book your appointment today, and let us help you in your post-marathon recovery journey! 

Tips For NYC Marathon Runner’s Fast Recovery 

Marathon recovery can be optimized by incorporating the following tips into your post-race routine:

Hydrate Well 

Proper hydration is essential for recovery.(1) After completing a marathon, replenish your body's fluid levels by drinking plenty of water and electrolyte-rich beverages. 

Water flushes toxins out of the body, transports nutrients into the cells and helps regulate body temperature and pH balance.(2) 

Electrolyte-rich beverages help replenish electrolytes (lost through sweating during the race) which are important for muscle function and recovery.(3)

Hydrate well

Refuel With Nutritious Food 

Consuming a balanced meal that includes carbohydrates, proteins, and fats can aid in muscle repair and replenish depleted energy stores.(4)

Opt for whole foods such as lean proteins (chicken, fish, tofu), complex carbohydrates (whole grains, fruits, vegetables), and healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil). 

Additionally, incorporating foods rich in antioxidants, such as berries and leafy greens, can help reduce inflammation and support recovery.(4)

Get Enough Sleep 

Research has consistently shown that adequate sleep is crucial for optimal recovery and performance.(5) Aim to get a full night's sleep of 7-9 hours to allow your body to repair and recharge. 

Create a sleep-friendly environment by keeping the room dark, quiet, and cool. Consider establishing a bedtime routine to signal your body that it's time to wind down and relax. 

If you're having trouble sleeping, relaxation techniques like deep breathing and meditation can help promote better sleep quality.

Get enough sleep

Take Some Time Off 

Allow your body ample time to rest and heal before resuming your training. This downtime helps prevent overuse injuries, fatigue, and burnout. 

Engage in low-impact activities like walking, swimming, or gentle yoga to keep your body moving without putting excessive stress on your muscles and joints. 

Listen to your body's signals and avoid pushing yourself too soon, as it can impede recovery and prolong your return to full training.

Elevate Your Legs To Reduce Swelling 

Elevating your legs after the marathon can help reduce swelling and improve circulation.(6) 

Lie down on your back and prop your legs against a wall or use pillows to elevate them above your heart level. 

This position allows gravity to assist in draining excess fluid from your legs, reducing inflammation and promoting faster recovery. 

Aim to keep your legs elevated for 15-20 minutes at a time, multiple times throughout the day.

Perform Gentle Exercise 

Light activities like walking or cycling help increase blood flow and promote the removal of metabolic waste from the muscles. These low-impact exercises aid in reducing muscle stiffness and promoting faster recovery.(7) 

However, it's important to avoid high-intensity workouts or activities that place excessive strain on your muscles and joints during the initial recovery phase.

Use Foam Roller To Soothe Sore Muscles 

Gently roll the foam roller over the affected areas, applying moderate pressure. This helps break up muscle adhesions, increase blood flow, and relieve muscle tension. 

Focus on the major muscle groups such as the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Remember to breathe deeply and relax as you roll over each muscle. 

Incorporating foam rolling into your recovery routine can aid in muscle recovery and alleviate post-marathon soreness.

Take A Warm Bath Or Shower 

Hot water is a vasodilator, meaning it widens the blood vessels and promotes increased blood flow. 

By frequently exposing your body to warm water through a bath or shower, you can enhance circulation and facilitate the removal of waste products from your muscles. This can help reduce muscle soreness and promote faster recovery. 

Additionally, the warmth can provide a soothing and relaxing experience, relieving tension and stress accumulated during the marathon.(8)

Schedule Full Body Massage With PRESS 

At PRESS, we offer a special Signature Massage to help improve circulation, loosen knots, and relieve chronic muscle pain. This powerful massage aids in the restoration and recovery of your body after the NYC marathon. 

Plus, our licensed massage therapists are experienced in working with marathoners and understand their unique challenges. They will assess your condition and develop a 100% personalized treatment plan that addresses the root cause of your post-race discomfort and fatigue. 

So look no further - book a session with us today and let our team help you recover faster and get back to your running routine in no time!

When Can You Run Again After The Marathon? 

While it may be tempting to jump back into running immediately after completing a marathon, it's important to allow your body enough time to recover fully. 

The exact timeframe for returning to running varies from person to person, depending on factors such as fitness level, overall health, and the extent of post-race fatigue. However, as a general guideline, it is advisable to take at least one to two weeks of complete rest or low-impact activities before gradually reintroducing running into your routine. 

Starting with short, easy runs and gradually increasing the duration and intensity can help prevent injuries and allow your body to adjust to the demands of running again. Listen to your body's cues and consult a healthcare professional if you experience persistent pain or discomfort during or after running. 

Remember, proper recovery is crucial for long-term running success and injury prevention. 

Discover PRESS' Locations For NYC Marathoner 

PRESS offers convenient locations throughout NYC where you can experience the benefits of our specialized recovery massages. Here are some of the locations you can find us: 


Our massage studio in Williamsburg is conveniently located at 169 Wythe Ave #202, Brooklyn, NY. Whether you're a local resident or visiting NYC for a marathon, this location is easily accessible and provides a comfortable and inviting space for all your massage needs. Book your appointment today!


Our Greenpoint location is situated at 37 Greenpoint Ave #217, Brooklyn, NY. It's another convenient option for NYC marathoners looking to incorporate a full body massage into their recovery routine. 

Our skilled therapists at this location are dedicated to providing 100% personalized treatments that cater to your specific needs and preferences. 

Don't hesitate to book a session with us today and experience the rejuvenating benefits of our powerful full body massage at our Greenpoint studio!

Union Square 

Located at 39 W 14th St #408, New York, NY, our Union Square location is perfect for NYC marathoners looking for a convenient spot to recover in Manhattan. 

Just steps away from the bustling Union Square Park, our studio offers a serene and welcoming environment where you can unwind and indulge in a rejuvenating full body massage. Book your appointment today!

Columbus Circle 

If you're looking for a convenient location near Columbus Circle, our massage studio is situated at 333 W 57th St #103, New York, NY 10019. This prime location ensures easy access for NYC marathoners seeking a fast and effective recovery in Manhattan. 

Our licensed massage therapists at this location are well-versed in catering to the specific needs of marathoners, ensuring you receive the utmost care and attention during your recovery process. 

Book your appointment today and start your path to a speedy recovery!

Explore PRESS' Various Massages For NYC Marathoners' Fast Recovery

PRESS offers a range of specialized massages designed to cater to the specific needs of marathoners. Here are some of the massage options you can explore: 

Final Thoughts 

If you’re a NYC marathoner looking to speed up your recovery, it’s worth considering a full body massage. This powerful treatment offers numerous benefits and can easily be accessed in any of our four studios located conveniently throughout NYC. 

All you have to do is book an appointment today and get started on your path to a fast and effective recovery! 

For more related topics, check out: 



  1. Judge, L. W., Bellar, D. M., Popp, J. K., Craig, B. W., Schoeff, M. A., Hoover, D. L., Fox, B., Kistler, B. M., & Al-Nawaiseh, A. M. (2021, July 28). Hydration to maximize performance and recovery: Knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors among collegiate track and field throwers. Journal of human kinetics. 
  2. Popkin, B. M., D’Anci, K. E., & Rosenberg, I. H. (2010, August). Water, hydration, and health. Nutrition reviews. 
  3. Waller AP;Heigenhauser GJ;Geor RJ;Spriet LL;Lindinger MI; (n.d.). Fluid and electrolyte supplementation after prolonged moderate-intensity exercise enhances muscle glycogen resynthesis in standardbred horses. Journal of applied physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 
  4. Mielgo-Ayuso, J., & Fernández-Lázaro, D. (2021, January 20). Nutrition and muscle recovery. Nutrients. 
  5. Chennaoui M;Vanneau T;Trignol A;Arnal P;Gomez-Merino D;Baudot C;Perez J;Pochettino S;Eirale C;Chalabi H; (n.d.). How does sleep help recovery from exercise-induced muscle injuries?. Journal of science and medicine in sport. 
  6. Chen, Y.-L., Cheng, Y.-T., Ye, J.-N., Huang, T.-L., & Chen, W.-N. (2020, August 8). Posture and time arrangement influence shank circumference reduction when performing leg raising exercise. International journal of environmental research and public health. 
  7. Lee, D., Son, J.-Y., Ju, H.-M., Won, J.-H., Park, S.-B., & Yang, W.-H. (2021, March 1). Effects of individualized low-intensity exercise and its duration on recovery ability in adults. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). 
  8. An, J., Lee, I., & Yi, Y. (2019, April 10). The thermal effects of water immersion on Health Outcomes: An integrative review. International journal of environmental research and public health. 
  9. Waters-Banker, C., Dupont-Versteegden, E. E., Kitzman, P. H., & Butterfield, T. A. (2014). Investigating the mechanisms of massage efficacy: The role of mechanical immunomodulation. Journal of athletic training. 
  10. National Center for Biotechnology Information. (n.d.-f).


How many days after a marathon can you get a massage? 

It is generally recommended to wait at least one or two days after completing a marathon before getting a massage. This allows enough time for any acute injuries to surface, which may not be immediately apparent due to the adrenaline masking the pain.

Is it okay to get a massage after a marathon? 

Yes, a massage after a marathon can be beneficial for recovery. It can help reduce muscle soreness, promote healing, and provide relaxation.(9) 

What is the best massage for marathon runners? 

The best massage for marathon runners is the Signature Massage offered by PRESS. This specialized massage is a therapeutic blend of soothing relaxing Swedish and Orthopedic Deep Tissue massage therapy. 

It is specifically designed to alleviate post-race soreness, promote muscle repair, and restore the body's balance.

Is it better to get a massage before or after a marathon? 

It is generally recommended to get a massage after a marathon. Massage after a race can help reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and reduce soreness.

How long after a marathon should I have a massage?

Waiting at least 24 - 48 hours after a marathon before getting a massage is recommended. This allows time for any injuries (which can be masked immediately after the marathon by adrenaline) to surface.

How often should marathon runners get massages? 

The frequency of massages for marathon runners can vary depending on how often and hard they train. However, scheduling a massage once every 1-2 weeks during training can help prevent muscle imbalances, promote relaxation, and aid in injury prevention.

Should I get a deep tissue massage before a marathon? 

Getting a deep tissue massage before a marathon is not recommended as it can cause post-massage soreness, resulting in potential discomfort and affecting your performance during the race.

What activities to avoid after body massage?

After a massage, it is important to avoid any strenuous activities such as running, lifting heavy weights, or any other type of intense exercise. It is best to take it easy and rest after a massage.

Is cupping good after a marathon? 

Yes, cupping can be beneficial after a marathon. This therapy involves placing cups on the skin to create suction, which helps increase blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and promote healing.(10) 

It can be particularly helpful in relieving muscle soreness and promoting recovery in marathon runners.

How do you massage your legs after a marathon? 

After a marathon, massaging your legs can be a great way to aid in recovery. Here's a simple technique you can follow:

  1. Starting at the ankles, slowly glide your hands over your legs as you move up the leg. 
  2. Use long, sweeping strokes with moderate pressure to warm up the muscles and promote blood circulation. 
  3. Apply more pressure with the palm of your hands to target specific areas of tension or soreness and help release any knots or tightness.
  4. Complete the massage by gently kneading and stretching the muscles, paying extra attention to the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
Posted on Thu, Jun 01, 2023