Therapeutic Massage For Anxiety: How Touch Therapy Improves Mental Health (Part 2)

Why do massages work so well in helping manage stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues? Past research has come to similar conclusions: For example, a 2010 study found that massages could boost the immune system, and other studies found that massages improve sleep quality. We know that both sleep and immune function play a role in mental health.

But perhaps it all comes down to the importance of touch and intimacy in human emotional, physical, and mental well-being. Research has shown the frequent touches — like hugs, caresses, massages, or kisses — can help foster bonds between people, improve immune system function, decrease heart rate and blood pressure, and overall improve emotional well-being. In addition to the purely physical benefits of massages (lowering cortisol and relaxing muscle tension), they can also provide similar results as exercise or meditation: A release of endorphins that create a happy “buzz,” improved sleep, and sharper mind.

Article written by: Lecia Bushak for Medical Daily

Posted on Fri, Mar 05, 2021

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